One day beginner level CSS training course to get you started building web pages using CSS and XHTML. The course is created and taught by Rachel Andrew and Drew McLellan.
The course is hands on and practical, with explanations backed by a series of exercises to complete. You will be able to take away the starting points and solutions to these exercises as a reminder of the skills you have learned. There will be time to ask questions.
In the morning we will explain the fundamentals of CSS including:-
* How to apply CSS to an (X)HTML page
* CSS selectors and rules
* Styling text
* Using images and background images
After a break for lunch (which will be provided) we will move onto page layout using CSS. Creating three different layouts which will cover the main techniques needed to build layouts in CSS.
* Absolute and relative positioning
* Floated layout
* Clearing floats
* Creating fixed width designs
* Creating liquid (flexible width) designs
We will also cover techniques that will help you to build cross-browser CSS layouts, including how to deal with Internet Explorer 6 bugs.
For more information and booking details see our website.
Official Website:
Added by rachelandrew on March 26, 2008