125 Grand St.
Hoboken, New Jersey

Beginner’s Clinic Wednesday June 1st
This is THE premier golf clinic taught by a professional right in Hoboken, NJ (only a short walk from PATH, Bus, Train, Ferry and Light Rail).
The clinic lasts for four weeks with one hour of instruction per week. This clinic starts on 6/1 (Wednesday Night) and will continue each Wednesday (6/8, 6/15, and 6/22) - each week at 8 PM. You may miss ONE week and make it up in another class at no charge (it must not be the first week however).
These clinics are conducted in a teaching center specifically designed for learning and practicing golf. No need to have golf clubs - we'll provide (or if you own clubs, bring them). The cost is only $149 for all four weeks. Please email class@hobokengolf.com for a syllabus or for more information. You can also call the center at 201-876-9666 or check out our website at www.hobokengolf.com

You may call to register for any of these clinics- this is the best way for clinics that are nearly full because in the time it takes you to come to our store or even put an order in through our online store the clinic may sell out. You may also sign up by stopping in person at 125 Grand Street. Payment must be received in advance to take any clinic or private lessons as appointments are limited.

Added by hobokengolf1 on May 27, 2011

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