1300 S University Parks Dr
Waco, Texas 76706

Event Date: 10 am, Jun 11, 2007 -
12 pm, Jun 15, 2007
Event Location: Mayborn Museum Complex
Event Description: Those children entering the 3rd grade in the fall will be able to cozy up to critters without bones. Are bess beetles stronger than other beetles? Why does a pill bug curl up? Why does the tarantula have hair? What is the difference between butterflies and moths? These questions will be answered, along with many more about animals that live in shells. Children must be entering 3rd grade in Fall 2007. Class #11: June 11-15, 10 am noon, $50.00, limit 16

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of mayborn.

Added by Mayborn on March 29, 2007

Interested 1