114 E Washington St
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

Join Arbor Brewing for an evening of dark ales as they pair around 2 dozen favorite porters and brown ales with an appetizer buffet. They'll also provide style and tasting notes, and top off the night with a door prize drawing.

Added by Upcoming Robot on October 13, 2007



I left A2 in '96 and I have not had any Arbor Brew since! But that all changes on 01.10.08

It would be very cool to run into former ABC coworkers from the halcyon days of '95. Anyone in attendance for the first New Years Eve extravaganza?

We (of the wait staff) didn't make any money that night but we all were pissed drunk on The Terminator, so no one cared. What a night! My serving partner Annie performed amazing feats of physical strength while i kept people amused with tales of brave Ulysses so as not to notice the food was running late. Then it was off to the late, lamented Del Rio for more beer and debauchery. I think the Aut Bar threw us out on general principles. Imagine that.

Looking forward to talking to Matt and drinking great quantities of his fine, fine beer. Congrats to the Greff's on their continued success as Ann Arbor's own original craft brewery. Good on you!

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