529 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC, District of Columbia 20045

If you've ever thought about chucking your traditional day job and going into business for yourself (something to do with food and spirits perhaps?), you've first got to read Beer School. Tom and Steve tell it like it is--the good, the bad, the ugly and the ultimately satisfying quest to build a business and a brand.

As Time magazine puts it ("Beer Buddies", Feb. 2006): "The pair rarely thought about getting rich. "Mostly the motivation was not going broke," Potter says. At one point, they worked in an unheated warehouse, wearing fingerless gloves while filling out invoices....Any beer lover hoping to jump on the bandwagon ought first to take a lesson from Beer School, Hindy and Potter's recent book about how they built their company."

We will taste 6 craft brews with Steve and Tom and have some delicious small plates from Jim Swenson of The Fourth Estate Restaurant at the National Press Club. There will be raffle prizes including a special raffle of organic chocolate and wine-infused bon-bons, drunken figs and fig caramels from CocoaVino (www.cocoavino.com)--another Brooklyn-based entrepreneurship.

And if you've ever doubted how chocolate and beer go together, you'll want to be there to try Brooklyn Brewery's Black Chocolate Stout developed by their renowned brewmaster Garrett Oliver.


Menu at http://www.aiwf.org/dc/

Beer School: Bottling Success at the Brooklyn Brewery

Monday, October 30

6:30 pm - 9:30 pm

The Fourth Estate Restaurant at the National Press Club

529 14th Street, NW, Washington, DC

$65/AIWF members $75/non members

Price includes the book! Get it signed for a great holiday gift for the budding entrepreneur you know. Reserve by contacting Rebecca Penovich, (301) 588-3060, rpenovich@yahoo.com, and sending check payable to AIWF to 3109 Lee Street, Silver Spring, MD 20910.

Official Website: http://www.aiwf.org/dc/

Added by rpenovich on October 27, 2006

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