Are you tired of feeling frustrated about the design or functionality of your blog? Do you have questions but have no one to turn to? Do you have a blog, live in or around Portland, and enjoy drinking beer? Well then, this meet up is for you!
Come join fellow Portland bloggers for a work session every Friday from 4pm until at least 6pm at the Green Dragon. We help each other work on our blogs. Maybe you need some design help. Maybe you want to power your comments form with OpenID, but don’t know how. Maybe you just need the social space to get off your duff and do the shit you tell everyone you’re going to do. Whatever your story, we’ll be then and there enjoying delicious beers and pounding keys. We’ll be the ones with the extension cord and power strip huddled around a grip of mostly Mac laptops.
Added by metafluence on May 23, 2008