'BEER' is a magical, musical, puppety journey written by Sean Benjamin and Steve Mosqued, presented by The Neo-Futurists! Ten-year-old Boon and his caustic buddy, Puke, learn the tricks of the brewing trade in this "Wizard of Oz meets Sesame Street" presentation by The Neo-Futurists. When Boon passes out after drinking his stepdad's beer, he finds himself in a strange land of puppet friends where he needs to successfully brew beer to find his way home. The Beer Geeks are part musicians and part Greek chorus as they guide Boon and Puke through the brewing process. Along the way, these champions of handcrafted beers must defend the principles of microbrewing from Bud Miller and the people of Milweiser. Audiences are sure to learn the differences between lagers, ales, stouts, porters and pilsners.
Added by Upcoming Robot on February 8, 2009