Church Road, Steep
Petersfield, England GU32 2DG

William Golding's LORD OF THE FLIES adapted for the stage by Nigel Williams.

gender conflict hunting savagery panic enticed ritualistic tribal mystic identity death manhunt smoke fire survival hunted

Lord of the Flies explores the dark side of humanity - the savagery that might underlie even the most civilized of human beings. A cast of students from the first two years at Bedales combine to bring you a symbolic, experimental account of Williams’ stage adaptation of this modern classic - a frightening, energetic and brutal piece of theatre to push your senses and emotions to the extreme.

Free tickets

NOTE Sat 27 June performance is given for Parents’ Day guests. Not suitable for those under eleven years - parental guidance advised for 11 - 13s.

Email for ticket enquireies

Added by on April 29, 2009

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