TOUCH and “Show Your Best Style” contest has attracted over thousands of good looking girls and guys to come to Club Bonbon and show their real style on stage. We offer you an opportunity and an open stage every month! Audience participation and crowd reaction determines which of the most stylish people in the house will have the opportunity to get photographed for a special column in “TOUCH” and “”.
Dirty South Hip Hop DJ Base voted by "Source" Magazine as the hottest new talent from the south begins his special international guest residency at bonbon.
DJ Base 出生于美国北卡罗来纳州南部,15岁便开始音乐生涯,并历经多次比赛的洗礼。后被签约于 Charlotte, NC 的电台工作,也从此开始了他个人的电台广播生涯。由于Base在电台事业上的威望和杰出的表演天份,为他赢得了2001年个人的第一场演出,当时与他同台登场的还有当时的Bow Wow 和Lil’ Zane。2003成为DJ Base的重要一年,他成为了Cee-Lo Green公司的驻场DJ,开启并进入了事业顶峰时期,并被权威嘻哈杂志The Source评为年度最热DJ。
Male 88RMB, Female 50RMB; OPENBAR 8:30pm - 3:30am
Official Website:
Added by wendyland on August 27, 2007