Washington County Libraries: 2 ways to add your 2 cents
What should Washington County libraries be like in 2019? What library services do you and your family value, and will you still need them in 10 years? How should libraries be funded and governed? Are additional libraries needed, and if so, where should they be?
Give us your opinion! Library users and Washington County residents are an important part of the Washington County Cooperative Library Services strategic planning process.
There are two ways you can get involved:
- complete our online survey about how libraries should be governed and funded, and
- sign up to attend one of four public focus group meetings scheduled for the evenings of January 27th in Forest Grove, January 29th in Aloha, February 3rd in Beaverton, or February 4th in King City.
To get ready for your focus group meeting, you may find it helpful to read Finding the sweet spot: New options for Washington County libraries and Current Trends and Future Directions: A Look at Public Libraries.
Thanks for your participation. What you tell us will help shape the future of libraries as Washington County grows and changes!
**Thanks to the Skokie Public library for use of their photo**
Official Website: http://news.wccls.org/2009/01/2-ways-to-add-your-2-cents-library.html
Added by WCCLS - Washington Co. Libraries on January 28, 2009