2007 Beaujolais Nouveau
The arrival of the brand-new 2007 vintage by air
is a great excuse to raise the tents in the parking lot once
again, fire up the grill, and uncork some cool wines.
Does brand-new Gamay Noir right out of the cradle rejuve-
nate those of us old enough to drink? Is this the wildest, craziest,
zaniest event of the year? Well, yeah, at least here at KLWM it
is. Fueled by the new wine and that irresistible Cajun beat, we
will live it up.
The Nouveau arrives and goes on sale Thursday, November
15, and Café Fanny next door will offer it by the glass over the
counter. Here in our shop, we open at eleven o’clock, and the
Nouveau will be available by the bottle and the case.
Then, that Saturday, we close down the parking lot and serve
lunch. Our chef is Christopher Lee of Eccolo Restaurant, who
will come up with a regional meal from the Beaujolais for us,
perfectly suited for the bright, lively red wine. The price, as al-
ways, will be painless.
Note the date:
saturday, november 17
11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
event produced by café fanny
Official Website: http://kermitlynch.com/
Added by particleboard on October 31, 2007