On this Independence Day excerise your right to DANCE !!!!! All day from 3pm to 10pm, nothing but the best in Soulful Dance Music, BBQ and YOU !!!!
Kervyn Mark (Melting Pot NYC)
Ali Coleman(Voice of Voice NYC)
Siren (Save the Robots)
Sakaki (Sushi Samba)
Ruby (Sapphire)
No Cover
Free BBQ (first come, first serve)
2 for 1 drink specials
Also inquire about the ‘Brooklyn Buzz’
Are we nuts ?!?!?!?
Art Land Bar
609 Grand St
(bet. Lorimier and Leonard Sts.)
(L train to Lorimer St)
Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/deepdance
Added by ReggieJ on June 28, 2007