1076 Williston Road
South Burlington, Vermont 05403

The Professionals Collaborative presents the Beat The Winter Blues Networking event. Join your colleagues and meet new friends for networking and professional growth. Come prepared with your business cards to drum up new business, reconnect, network, grow professionally, learn more about TPC organizations, and meet their members. There will be a cash bar, and the TPC will provide appetizers and dessert while you rub elbows with everyone. There will be lots of door prizes, and you will have the opportunity to go on a safari or head for the tropics in February in Vermont! So, get out of the office and beat those “winter blues”! The Professionals Collaborative (TPC) includes:
VT ASQ American Society For Quality
APICS The Association for Operations Management
ISM-VT Institute for Supply Management
ASTD American Society for Training and Development
PMI Project Management Institute
STC Society for Technical Communication
IMA Institue of Management Accountants
Cost: $20 for TPC members and guests; $30 for non-members.
You must pre-register. Email mkuhn@drm.com with you name, business, professional affiliation, phone number, and address to tell her you're coming. Mail your registration and admission fee to Marsha Kuhn, c/o Downs Rachlin Martin PLLC, 90 Prospect Street, St. Johnsbury, VT 05819.

Added by Patty Myers on February 11, 2008


Patty Myers

There is plenty of free parking next to the Conference Center!

Interested 1