924 Williamson St
Madison, Wisconsin 53703

BYOS (Bring Your Own Soap): Donate to AIDS Network's Food Pantry with detergent and cleaning supplies, Network, & Learn About Our Host, Plan B, all at NO CHARGE!

This month, be proud of yourself, enjoy something good to eat, feel good inside, and help others by joining the Business Alliance's monthly Beat the Cold Meet and Greet at Plan B. Bring and donate detergent and cleaning supplies needed by AIDS Network's Food Pantry, as those items are very difficult for AIDS Network to get without purchasing them. (Otherwise, bring non-perishable food items.)


Plan B is a place where you can be proud to be yourself, providing a new place for everyone in which to feel comfortable. Their goal for the club is to provide an outlet for people to come and be reminded what fun is all about.

Owners Rico Sabatini and Corey Gresen will feature Bruschetta, Pita & Hummus, Spinach & Artichoke Dip, Veggie Plate (wth dip), and chips and salsa from Plan B's new food menu. As well, Happy Hour features will be: $2 rail drinks; $1 off any drinks; $2 domestic beers; and $5 appetizers.


With offices in Madison, Beloit, and Janesville, AIDS Network is the state designated AIDS service provider for 13 counties in South Central Wisconsin.

Open is open every Wednesday (excluding the first Wednesday of the month), and designed to meet special nutritional and home supply needs, AIDS Network's Food Pantry is open to anyone who is HIV positive and living under 300% of the federal poverty level. To clear up earlier information, one does not have to be a client of AIDS Network to receive items from the food pantry. One must register and is encouraged to meet with the agency's nutritionist for a nutritional assessment in order to maximum the benefit of the program.

"Up until a few years ago, AIDS Network operated its own food pantry, but stopped when we were able to satisfy the needs of our clients using other resources in the community," said AIDS Network Executive Director Karen Dotson. "Unfortunately, much has changed in the past year or so and we realized that the only way we could properly serve our clients, most of whom live well below the poverty level, was to once again have our own food pantry."

The Business Alliance, Greater Madison's LGBT Chamber of Commerce, since 1994, affiliated with OutReach, Inc.

Business Owners - Professionals - Individuals - Allies.

Business Alliance member-sponsored events welcome all current & prospective members at NO CHARGE, held at venues that support our local LGBT community. Introductions will follow a membership update & discussion, a review of upcoming events, & time to make your next connection.

We encourage everyone to bring & exchange their business cards for a chance to win a door prize. Past winners have received valuable discount coupons & gift certificates. You could be this month's winner!
Call Scott Mickelson, 608-301-5334 for more details.

Check the Community Calendar in Isthmus, Facebook, Madison Verve, OurLives Magazine online, LinkedIn, Twitter, Eventful, Upcoming, InBusiness magazine online, OutInMadison.com, 77Square, and madisonbusinessalliance.com for the calendar of future events, between e-mail announcements. Mark your calendar to join us at future Business Alliance events.

The Business Alliance

Official Website: http://madisonbusinessalliance.com/?q=node/73

Added by The Business Alliance on October 12, 2009