Missing the 312? With a TV at every yard line and a sound system dedicated to the Bears, TAVERN on third has 312 on tap. Root on the Bears just like you're in Chicago with $4 drafts of Goose Island 312 and wear your jersey for your first shot on us. It's DaBar for DaBears! BEAR Down, BEER Down! It's all the same here. Book your draft table reservation today by calling 212.300.4046.
For more details, head to our event page: http://www.uplanme.com/event/Bears-vs-Houston-Texans-at-TAVERN-on-third-9
Official Website: http://www.uplanme.com/event/Bears-vs-Houston-Texans-at-TAVERN-on-third-9
Added by UPlanMe on November 5, 2012