314 E Pike St
Seattle, Washington

3 years ago we expanded the San Francisco based Bearracuda to Seattle for our first party outside of the Bay Area. Nowadays, we're up to 25 cities across the globe! Thanks so much to Seattle guys for supporting us for this long! On Saturday, December 10th, Bearracuda celebrates 3 great years in the PNW.

DJs Matt Stands and Freddy KOP kick off a big evening at 9pm, going till Late. The Best Buns contest will be after 11pm, hosted by Matt Bearracuda.

The cover is $5 b4 10pm and $7 after. We also have great drink specials: $3 Bud/Bud Lt, $6 Pearl Vodkas and teams selling Jello Shots!
$3 and 2 for $5

Bearracuda is located inside of the Seattle Eagle, 314 E. Pike Street.
Please bring your ID, because it is 21+. Bearracuda.com/Seattle

Join the Bearracuda Seattle email list at: http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?llr=5rlxmucab&p=oi&m=1102343548478

Sponsored by SCRUFF for iPhone + Android (http://www.scruffapp.com/)
and Steamworks (http://SteamworksOnline.com/) After Bearracuda, check out the Steamworks after party! 1520 Summit Avenue, Seattle, WA

Bearracuda New Year's Eve San Francisco

Added by Corwincub on November 26, 2011

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