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Bearracuda is back on Saturday, April 2nd and every 1st Saturday in San Francisco.
It's residents night at Bearracuda we're very excited to have DJs Craig Gaibler and Medic playing all night. It's going to be a fantastic night of music, dancing, beard rubs and heavy petting.
There are 2-FOR-1 drinks before 10pm and it's just $6 b4 10pm and $8 after. Free massages and snacks upstairs. Every 1st Saturday at Club 8 - 1151 Folsom Street @ 8th St.
Bearracuda is the largest attended bear dance party in the United States w/regular parties in San Francisco, Seattle, Vancouver & Portland events in NYC, Austin, Atlanta & Melbourne. Voted "Best club for queer men" in 2008, 2009, 2010 by the San Francisco Bay Guardian. We've got beards, bears, cubs, pups, chubs, beefcakes, furballs and other wildlife!
Join the Bearracuda San Francisco Facebook Group:
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=23502984060&re f=ts
Join the Bearracuda SF mailing list here:
http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?llr=5rl xmucab&p=oi&m=1102343548478
Added by bearracuda on March 28, 2011