National Day of Impeachment
Saturday April 28th
CODEPINK Women for Peace invites you to take the message to Nancy Pelosi - Impeachment is on the table!
10:30am, Beach Impeach, Ocean Beach, San Francisco
To register or for more information Spell "Impeach Now!" with your body in 100 ft high. Choose a letter at the beach or join CODEPINK (wear pink!) at the letter "C". Helicopters filming overhead at 11:00am
12noon, March and Caravan from Beach Impeach to Camp Pelosi, 2640 Broadway (Scott and Divisadero) in Pacific Heights, San Francisco. Join the Gandhi Puppet on foot or by car in a 5.7 miles trek to Speaker Pelosi's home in Pacific Heights. Decorate your bodies, signs or cars with Impeach Bush & Cheney messages and visuals.
1:00pm, Peace & Impeach Bush & Cheney Bus will shuttle people to Camp Pelosi from Ocean Beach and from 3 Peace Stops along the route. Contact Toby (510) 215-5974, for details and bus reservations. Muni #24 stops is closest to Camp Pelosi @ Jackson & Scott. Parking available in neighborhood.
2-4pm, Rally at Camp Pelosi
Teach-in, speakers, Impeach Bush & Cheney slogan contest, "Postcards to Pelosi" calling for the impeachment of Bush & Cheney, music, food, kid's activities. Speakers include Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK and Global Exchange co-founder; Dr. Peter Phillips, co-editor, "Impeach the President"; Colonel Ann Wright, former US diplomat, resigned in opposition to the Iraq war; Lew Brown, "We're not Buying It" national impeachment shopping boycott.
Media contact: Cynthia Papermaster, (510) 333-6097,
The Beach Impeach, Camp Pelosi & Rally are some the nationwide A28 "Day of Impeachment" actions at
For more actions around Pelosi visit
Official Website:
Added by Sugar Bowl on April 23, 2007