Sponsored by The Womens' Center of Vienna, Virginia. Presenter: David Levy, Esquire, Surovell Markle Isaacs & Levy PLC. Issues of child custody are among the most painful and divisive aspects of separation and divorce, but they are also one of the most important. Your children’s future well-being will depend directly on agreements made during this process. You can prepare yourself by learning how to navigate the legal aspects of child custody in Vir¬ginia courts. We will discuss how courts determine what financial support is required based on spousal income(s), what is deemed to be in the “best interests” of the child and what to expect dur¬ing the custody proceedings. This preparation will help you to understand your options and make a rational plan that will best serve the interests of you and your children. A support group will be available. To register go to www.thewomenscenter.org or call (703) 281-2657.
Official Website: http://www.thewomenscenter.org
Added by twcprograms on January 28, 2010