Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

You're up at the podium, white knuckled, pulse racing, poised (but not-so-poised) to deliver that speech/presentation/ toast. But the sight of all those eyeballs bearing down on you suddenly makes your mind go as blank as a white sheet of paper. You trip over your tongue, squeak like Minnie Mouse, hold your notes with trembling fingers, while your heart pounds like a tribal drum, so loud you can't think straight. Yikes! Fight or Flight has struck again!

If you'd rather leap into a tub of rats than speak in public, then run, don't walk to BE HERE AND BE HEARD! A Public Workshop on Public Speaking.

Presentation expert, Eleni Kelakos, will help you get a handle on your public speaking jitters; and she'll teach you some practical, easy-to-use tools tools and techniques- culled from her years as a professional performer, motivational speaker and executive speech coach- that will help bring focus, clarity, shape and authentic passion to your presentations.

This workshop is for beginners and experienced speakers alike. There is always something to learn about being truly present in public!

Read on for the nitty gritty details!

FEE: $150 By August 17th.
$175 By September 3rd.
Beverage, snacks and lite lunch included

You'll learn- and reinforce- some basic communication and presentation techniques, including:

* The importance of connecting before speaking
* Breathing and Relaxation- the key to communicating with ease and authenticity.
* Passion=Persuasion.
* Structuring your presentation for optimum impact.

You'll also have the opportunity to give a critiqued presentation to your classroom colleagues not once but twice! This is a great opportunity to face your public speaking fears in a safe and caring environment.


If you're interested in attending, or for more information
call 734-622-0522. Or write to

Official Website:

Added by cjuon on July 30, 2007

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