Birmingham, AL
Birmingham, Alabama

Be an EXTRA in "AFTER" the Movie: Sunday, Dec 12th 

We are in need of 20 Extra's who want to be in a movie! This is volunteer opportunity to get your foot in the door, learn how a movie is made, or to try a new experience! Please RSVP if you are able to meet the following guidelines and join us. We NEED you! 

Description: This scene takes place in Bus

Number of Extras: Need 20 Riders on a Bus, present day Summer. We need a diverse group of Men, Woman, Teens, and Children. 

Date: Sunday, Dec.12th
Call Time: 1:00pm (subject to change)
(We plan for 12 hours of filming, however we may only need you for a few hrs. up to the whole time. So to be safe, plan to stay the whole time and bring a book or something to do).

TBD - Birmingham, AL 

This scene takes place SUMMER, present day, so extras need to dress accordingly, or to fit the roll you want to play. NO LOGO'S. Be sure to bring coats etc., to warm up between shots.  

RSVP: We need to know if you are coming! So please RSVP by emailing Include your name, phone number, and the role you are coming for.

Added by AFTER Production on December 8, 2010

Interested 1