We are in need of 25-30 Extra's who want to be in a movie! This is volunteer opportunity to get your foot in the door, learn how a movie is made, or to try a new experience! Please RSVP if you are able to meet the following guidelines and join us. We NEED you!
Description: This scene takes place in/near a Diner in August of '92. We need a divers group: Men, Woman, Teens, Children.
Number of Extras: Need 20 Diner Patrons, 3 Waitress', 1 Cook, and 6 cars from the 90's.
Let us know if you would like to be a specific roll, or else we will place you where we most need you.
Date: Sun, Nov. 28th
Call Time: 7:00am - 8:00pm (subject to change)
(We plan for 12 hours of filming, however we may only need you for a few hrs. up to the whole time. So to be safe, plan to stay the whole time and bring a book or something to do).
John's City Diner
112 21st Street North
Birmingham, AL
Wardrobe: This scene takes place in August of 1992, so extras need to dress accordingly. If you don't have anything that closely resembles this time period, please dress simple: Jeans, T-shirts, no logos! Be sure to bring coats etc., to warm up between shots.
RSVP: We need to know if you are coming! So please RSVP by emailing elizabethnouri@gmail.com. Include your name, phone number, and the role you are coming for.
Added by AFTER Production on November 22, 2010