MillionaireTraining SpectacularEvent!
May 30th, 2009 - Indianapolis, IN
Dont miss this informative training event that will boost your teams performance into HIGH GEAR!
Hear from TOP MONAVIE FIELD LEADERS that will teach you how build a strong, lasting business. Get as many of your team members as you can to attend!
Royal Black Diamond
Onyx Coale
Black Diamond
Joe Licciardi
Blue Diamond
Daniel Licciardi
Sheraton Indianapolis
8787 Keystone Crossing
Indianapolis, IN 46240
Pre-Registered: $50 persingle ticket$90 per couple tickets
Pre-Registration guarantees a seat!
Tickets will be $65 at the door perperson ticketFYI(There is NO Couple pricing at the door)
No Refunds
Presentation starts 10:00am sharp! to 4:00pm
Registration starts at 8:30am, doors open at 9:30am
When Pre-Registration ends on 5/28/09 at3:00pmPST. tickets will be available at the door if seating is available.
For more details visit:
Interested inbeing avolunteer at this event?
Please callor email the events department at 209-323-6423 or
Organized by Black Diamond UniversityBlack Diamond University offers quality training and motivation for you and your team. These events provide you with a sound foundation for growing your MonaVie business.
Ticket Info: - Pre-Registration per Single Ticket - $50 each (No Refunds), $51.25
- Pre-Registration per couple ticket - $45 each (No Refunds), $46.12
Official Website: