Bellydance Superstar Sonia
"Polynesian/Bellydance Fusion Bellynesian
Sonia will compare and contrast essential technique and postures between dances of the South Pacific and the Middle East. First half of workshop will be drills, second half will be choreography.
Saturday, June 13th 2009, 9:30-13:30, incl. small break. Price 75,-
"Latin Fusion"
Sway your hips to this sultry and playful dance called the cha- cha. Sonia will cover the basics and incorporate these movements into a fun bellydance routine accompanied by the sounds of an arabic/cuban collaboration by Hanine y Son Cubano.
Sunday, June 14th 2009, 9:30-13:30, incl. small break. Price 75,-
Bellydance Superstar Petite Jamila
"Double veil and spinning
Teaching techniques to Double Veil in addition to spinning pointers, Petite Jamilla uses visualization and meditation methods torelax the body and focus the mind on spinning through which she found her own spiritual connection.Featuring New movements that will be found in her soon to be released Double Veil Instructional with BDSS, over 10 movements and combinations will be taught and, a short choreography.
Saturday, June 13th 2009, 13:45-17:45, incl. small break. Price 75,-
"Solo and Troupe choreography, Cabaret - Folkloric-Tribal style"
This workshop offers a drum solo choreography for a troupe to learn and perform. Entire troupes are encouraged, but a minimum of 3 representatives from each troupe should be present to learn the multi-layers of formations and choreography.
Solo performers are NOT to be excluded; as they will learn 1 of the 3 formation and layer options in order to perform it on their own. This is a troupe choreography "Caba-Ribal" style: a mixture of Cabaret and Folkloric-Tribal movements based on improvisational techniques for solo sections designed within the group piece.
Sunday, June 14th 2009, 13:45-17:45, incl. small break. Price 75,-
Organized by Halimadans
Ticket Info: - BDSS - Sonia - Saturday, June 13th 2009, 9:30-13:30, €75.00
- BDSS - Sonia - Sunday, June 14th 2009, 9:30-13:30, €75.00
- BDSS - Petite Jamilla - Saturday, June 13th 2009, 13:45 - 17:45, €75.00
- BDSS - Petite Jamilla - Sunday, June 14th 2009, 13:45 - 17:45, €75.00
- Double workshop weekend BDSS Sonia, June 13th & 14th 2009, 9:30 - 13:30, €135.00
- Double workshop weekend BDSS Petite Jamilla, June 13th & 14th 2009, 13:45 - 17:45, €135.00
- Intensive workshop weekend BDSS Sonia and Petite Jamilla, ALL 4 workshops, 16 hours!, €245.00
Official Website: http://halimadans-upcoming.eventbrite.com