Despite the mutating threats of cyber attacks, online extortion, or spam, a well-structured information security strategy can safeguard your business and ensure that risks are managed with commitment and understanding. It can also help to reassure your customers, who in the UK (for example) according to a recent study now fear internet crime more than burglary, mugging or car theft. Yet, because the internet is not territorial or jurisdictionally bound, organized crime efforts to steal everything you hold dear by extortion, threats, intimidation - not in the bricks and mortar world but in the online world, our normal responses to 'attack' are not as effective. But there are solutions . . . and sometimes they are free. Ed Gibson will give you a peek inside his 'cyber life' utilizing anecdotes from his 20 year career with the FBI including the most recent 5 years when he was assigned as a Diplomat to the US Embassy London in charge of all the FBI's cyber investigations in the UK.
This event is free to all.
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Added by nxbber on October 4, 2008