25 Mass. Ave
Washington, District of Columbia

One Wednesday, July 18th at 8:00 AM Blattner Brunner (bbdigital) will be broadcasting live from an The Web Managers Round Table, a DC event we're sponsoring that it will focus on "what broadband video can do for your brand."

This is a gathering of about 100 web managers from around the DC area.

We'll be interviewing interactive marketers, asking them how broadband video is moving their businesses forward - hopefully we can uncover some tips for you that you can apply to your own online efforts as well.

Please tune in by visiting http://www.bbdigital.com/bbtv tomorrow beginning at 8am!


Peter Corbett
Manager, Marketing Services

Blattner Brunner, Inc.
1250 I Street NW, Suite 1200
Washington, DC 20005
Cell: 202.577.9338
http://www.blattnerbrunner.com http://www.bbdigital.com

Follow Peter on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/corbett3000 and/or read his blog http://www.advercation.com

Official Website: http://www.bbdigital.com/bbtv

Added by corbett3000 on July 17, 2007

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