2416 Brazos
Houston, Texas 77006

“Norm!” Bayou City Outdoors members and their guests want to go where everybody knows their name. So come to Cheerz, 2416 Brazos in Midtown – and see all your old friends and meet new members.

So come alone, bring some friends, come early and stay late or just drop in for a few minutes - but whatever you do – come! You won’t want to miss this monthly social meeting of the like-minded!

6:30 – 9:00PM. Cheerz, 2416 Brazos, Houston, TX 77006. Parking is on the surrounding streets or by Valet. For more information or to RSVP call 713-524-3567 or visit www.BayouCityOutdoors.com

Official Website: http://www.BayouCityOutdoors.com

Added by eventscafe22 on January 21, 2011

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