1952 West Gray
Houston, Texas 77019

Spread some Holiday Cheer with BCO! If you joined recently, or just want to meet a great group, please come join us at the very tucked away and cool – Sherlock’s Pub
1952 West Gray Houston, TX 77019. This is your chance to meet Event leaders, other members – both old and new – and find out about cool upcoming events – even make some suggestions of your own. You’ll also get to learn the ropes and ask questions over a variety of drinks. Open to the public. Also, help out the Houston Food Bank or Citizens for Animal Protection if you wish by bringing items needed from their "wish lists". I hope everyone can join us!!

This event is free for members and free for non members

Details and RSVP at http://www.BayouCityOutdoors.com or call 713-524-3567.

Added by eventscafe22 on August 31, 2010

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