Presented by: Bernard Li, Ganglia Project Contributor
Introduced by: Dave Lilly, GroundWork Open Source Co-founder and CEO
Ganglia, a very popular open source project, enables large corporations and HPC organizations the ability to monitor real-time performance. Its scalable distributed monitoring system is natively designed for high-performance computing systems such as clusters and grids due to its hierarchical design. Meet Bernard Li, a leading Ganglia code contributor and hear more about how Ganglia is structured, why it’s so scalable, and how to tune Ganglia to work in large environments. Bernard’s presentation goes into the technical nuances of performance tuning, and is willing to answer any questions about how to deploy and tune Ganglia to meet your expectations.
Also joining Bernard Li is Dave Lilly, co-founder and CEO of GroundWork Open Source, the leading open source systems and network monitoring solution. Dave will introduce Bernard and also share a quick summary of GroundWork’s open source project amalgamation strategy, combining proven open source projects like Ganglia, Nagios, RRDTool and a dozen more into a single package for ease of use. Dave will also be available at the end of the presentation to answer any questions about GroundWork as well as share his ITIL and ITSM knowledge.
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Added by Jennifer B Davis on November 17, 2008