3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto, California

7:30-8:30 pm
Podcasting: Media Evolution or Revolution?
Doug Kaye, founder of ITConversations

8:30-9:30 pm
Podcast Solutions and Podcast Problems
Dan Klass, podcaster of The Bitterest Pill

Podcasting: Media Evolution or Revolution?
Doug Kaye, founder of ITConversations

Doug Kaye is the founder of ITConversations, which was recently recognized by Businessweek Online as the best podcast provider. He is also the author of Loosely Coupled? The Missing Pieces of Web Services (2003).

Podcast Solutions and Podcast Problems
Dan Klass, podcaster of The Bitterest Pill

Dan Klass is the podcaster of The Bitterest Pill.

He is also the co-author, with Michael Geoghegan, of the Podcast Solutions

Added by lantzilla on August 10, 2005



You can listen to a good interview with Douge Kaye about the basics of podcasting and IT Conversations in particular at: http://www.itconversations.com/shows/detail666.html