Outstanding storytellers from around the world visit the Bay Area each Spring to bring to life tales old and new: folk tales, family stories, fables, recollections, ghost stories, tall tales, fairy tales, and classic stories from many many cultures.
Join us for a weekend of outdoor concerts of oral storytelling, and treat your imagination to the power and elegance of the well-told story.
Featured tellers for 2008:
Carol Birch - Derek Burrows - Baba Jamal Koram - Olga Loya
Also appearing: Rick Huddle - Olive Hackett-Shaughnessy
Presented by the Storytelling Association of Alta California and the East Bay Regional Parks District, with support from The Lifemark Group.
Tickets at the door or online.
$13 single event, $70 All Weekend Pass
Discounts for seniors, students, families
Official Website: http://www.bayareastorytelling.org
Added by tereneta on April 15, 2008