677 W. Ranger Ave.
Alameda, California 94501

Bay Area Relocalize: Preparing for the End of Cheap Oil - April 14

with Aaron Lehmer of US Program coordinator for the Post-Carbon Institute, http://bayarea.relocalize.net

Part of the SOULutionaries series:
Come visit the Alameda Point Collaborative's emerging urban ecovillage site and listen, learn and socialize with this dynamic group of SOULutioneers. These are a few of the stellar folks connected to the growing Permaculture movement that are making a transformative difference in their own lives and communities as well as yours. Let them innoculate, pollinate and innovate your mind with permaculture, integral - sustainable - soulutionary thinking! Be a part of the emerging SOULution!


Added by raines on March 25, 2006

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