- Please confirm your attendance using the Register Now button above. You do not have to create an account or verify anything to confirm your attendance.
- Though registration is free, a $10 donation will be requested at the door.
Need a recharge? Miss the connection? Miss the energy?Want some new tools and strategies to really thrive in these challenging times?
We have an amazing event coming up that you definitely do not want to miss! The IMMERSIVE UPW EXPERIENCE is back! [see details below]AGENDA for SUNDAY, MARCH 22nd - 1:30PM-5PM
Negotiation Tactics They Don't Teach You In Business School
- Jeff Slayter & Kane Minkus, the founders of World's Hidden Masters, will take the
floor for 2 1/2 hours and give us some new tools for success in life
and in business in the area of Effective Win-Win Negotiation. We always hear that we're
in a constant state of selling ourselves.
But, we rarely hear about how we're also in a state of
constant negotiation. Whether it's negotiating with a company that may
hire you, negotiating with your children, significant other, or spouse,
negotiating that next big
deal, or negotiating with yourself
on your commitments and priorities, learning and refreshing the skills
successfully negotiate your way through life is critical... Especially
in these challenging times!
Exciting Bay Area Power Team News
- We'll be sharing some exciting news for the Bay Area Power Team -
introducing new team members, new programs that will benefit all
members, and the vision for Bay Area Power Team
for 2009 and beyond - taking advantage of the upcoming UPW to grow our
community to hundreds of attendees at every event! Jeff & Kane are also giving away one FREE scholarship to the next World's Hidden Masters 3-day event - "Building Wealth Through Relationships". The event takes place March 27-29 and the scholarship is a $495 value!
Jeff Slayter & Kane Minkus - Negotiation Tactics They Don't Teach You In Business School
started his first company at 22 years old as an entrepreneur and
investor, growing it into a thriving real estate investment and
consulting firm - managing portfolios and assets valued at over $15
million dollars. Jeff has over a decade of training in leadership
practices including: Advanced NLP, Fortune 500 Executive Training
Seminars, Landmark Education, Tony Robbins, and he holds a Business
Management degree from Menlo College.
For over a decade, Kane has been an entrepreneur and new venture investor. Kane has bought, run and sold over 2 dozen companies between $550M in varying industries including entertainment, technology, real estate, internet, education and coaching. Kane consults with CEOs & executive teams on leadership skills, as well as, leads workshops in the Bay Area. Combining his background in NLP, Laban Movement Analysis, Landmark Education and Fortune 500 Executive Training Seminars, Kane lectures frequently on organizational behavior, increasing communication effectiveness, customer driven leadership, sales team development and brand messaging.
Both Jeff and Kane have worked with and spoken
at Fortune 500 companies such as Disney, Universal, Sony, Apple
Computer, and many more.
In life and especially in the tough economic cycle we are in, top
negotiation skills are critical. Learn how world-class negotiators
listen, formulate strategies, and maximize results, creating a
feel-good win-win deal. Through active participation and interactive
exercises, you will come away from this experience with deeply
ingrained tools and skills to create a win-win environment, deep levels
of rapport, and ultimately produce outstanding results in your next
deal or negotiation.
Advanced NLP Based Rapport Skills in Every Negotiation Uncover 3 Hidden Ways We Keep Ourselves From Getting What We Want In a Negotiation Top 5 Lesser Known Techniques To Get More Than You Expect In A Negotiation
Secret Formula To Win-Win Negotiation Format - Creating Sustainable Agreements - Without Giving Up Your NeedsAlso, be sure to mark your calendars for March 27-29. Jeff & Kane will be giving away a FREE scholarship to their upcoming event, "Building Wealth Through Relationships"
- a $495 value. For the rest of us, they'll be extending a special -
very steeply discounted offer with a 100% money-back guarantee.
Full details on the Building Wealth Through Relationships event:
Remember the last time you were at a Tony event?... and you walked
into that huuuuuuge auditorium filled with all those smiling excited
faces... the music is booming from the speakers... dancers are on
stage... so much energy flowing through the room... the music goes,
"Stop the Rock... Can't Stop the Rock" as the excitement and energy
continue to build... everybody is moving to the music, smiling, happy,
and excited in anticipation for what's next... the next song comes
on.... "Ya'll Ready for This", the techno beat drops and everyone
starts jumping, jumping to the beat, smiling bigger than ever...
elated... with arms in the air... jumping... jumping to the beat...
then Tony comes on stage as everything builds to finish off and bring
everyone together into a huge, energetic, synchronous,
"Whoooooooooooooooooooooa... CLAP". Welcome to the recharged,
reenergized Bay Area Power Team.
Jeremy is back with a brand new booming, body-moving, sound system to give us that hair-standing-on-end UPW like experience.
Come recharge and relive that moment and many more on Sunday, March 22nd at 1:30PM as we celebrate our community and learn new strategies for life and business.
Everyone is welcome, even if you never been to Tony Robbins event!
Come check out our community of amazing people and learn new strategies
for living an extraordinary life.
1:30PM - Registration & Networking
2:00PM - Event Kickoff
5:00PM - Event Close
Come Out - Celebrate - Connect - Learn Some New Skills - Leave Fulfilled - Recharged - In A Peak State!
Organized by Bay Area Power Teamwww.bayareapowerteam.com
Ticket Info: General Admission, Free
Official Website: http://bayareapowerteam-upcoming.eventbrite.com