Millions of people have come to the understanding that capitalism does not work for us. And millions of people around the world--from mine workers in South Africa to students in Quebec to teachers in Chicago--are fighting back.
Marxism provides a revolutionary understanding and strategy for ridding society of exploitation and oppression once and for all. We want more than just resistance, we want to win. Join us!
Topics Include:
Marxism, the Economic Crisis and Resistance * How Will U.S. Workers Become Revolutionary? * Marxism and Revolution Today * Marxism and Workers Struggle in South Africa * Marxism and Women's Liberation * Russia: a Case Study in Workers Power and Revolution * Marxism and Black Liberation * Marxism and the Revolutionary Party
Special Guest Speaker: Ahmed Shawki, editor of the International Socialist Review and author of Black Liberation and Socialism.
Sliding scale donation: $5-$20.
Registration at 10am in Valley Life Sciences Building 2060. Opening session is in VLSB 2060 from 11am-12pm. All other sessions are in Moffitt 101 & 102.
The full schedule will be posted at
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on November 9, 2012