Hello Hadoopers
RSVPs is open for the March Bay Area Hadoop user group at Yahoo!'s Sunnyvale campus.
Please note that the location has changed -
Building C, Second Floor, Classroom 5
It's in the same campus, just cross the street and walk pass building D to Building C
6:00 - 6:20 - Socializing and Beers
6:20 - 6:50 - Preview to the Hadoop Security Release
Owen O'Malley, Yahoo!
6:50 - 7:20 - MapReduce Online
Tyson Condie University of California, Berkeley
7:20 - 7:50 - High level distributed programming with Clojure, Cascading, and Hadoop
Bradford Cross, Flightcaster
QnA and Open Discussion
Session details are available below.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Official Website: http://www.meetup.com/hadoop/calendar/12710846/
Added by tom_croucher on March 15, 2010