1770 South Amphlett Blvd.
San Mateo, California

Meet new friends at this fun party! $15/advance (by May 16) or $20/door. Adults of all ages welcome. Dressy attire requested for this upscale hotel. Friday, May 17, 2013.

7:30pm – Entertaining Keynote Address: Flirting Italian Style, with author Francesca Gentille.

8:45pm – Flirting Contest. You can compete for the title of Mr or Ms Bay Area Flirt, or just sit back and be entertained!

9pm-Midnight – Dance to your favorite hits.

LOCATION: Marriott Hotel, 1770 S Amphlett Blvd, San Mateo CA 94402. Conveniently located at the junction of Hwy 101 and Hwy 92. From San Francisco or Silicon Valley take Hwy 101 or Hwy 280 to Hwy 92, Delaware/Concar exit; follow Concar to hotel. From East Bay take Hayward-San Mateo Bridge (Hwy 92).

SPONSORED by The Society of Single Professionals, worlds largest non-profit singles organization.

DISCOUNT AND MORE SINGLES PARTIES at http://www.thepartyhotline.com.

SINGLES TRAVEL at http://www.singlestravelcompany.com.

FREE ADVICE FROM SINGLES EXPERTS at http://www.singlespodcastingnetwork.com.

Official Website: http://www.thepartyhotline.com

Added by richpartyhotline on April 16, 2013