1428 Alice St
Oakland, California 94612

Join us as we bring the spirit of Africa to the Bay Area with renowned international dancers and drummers!
November 8 - 12, 2006

Enjoy 5 wonderful days of traditional African dance, drum, and song with renowned international artist from Senegal, Liberia, Mali, Guinea, and Gambia. Come and study the Kituro, Sabar, Djembe, and Congolese styles of dance and drum. Whether you are new or a veteran to African dance we would love to see you there. All levels are welcome.

Festival Fee's:
Pre-registration-- $13/ each workshop
Must be received by October 20, 2006
Door-- $15/ each workshop
Observation-- $5/ each workshop

If you would like a brochure email dance.drum@gmail.com or visit the event homepage to download.

Official Website: http://www.celebrateclitoris.com/SFafricandance.html

Added by Khaley Adouna Productions on September 13, 2006