2424 N Lincoln Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60614

You can often spot the best bands – the truly once-in-a-generation type – by their names alone. The all time greats usually come ready made with nomenclature that encapsulates their sound and ethos effortlessly. Battles are no exception. They are a rock group locked in conflict with the very limitations of what it means to be a rock group; conducting an all out assault on mediocrity and waging a fearsome campaign against genre conventions and pigeonholes. Their sound is that of an elite guard engaging in a series of complex sonic skirmishes. This is the sublime noise of equally talented musicians pushed to their limit – as interested in conducting synchronized audio attacks and ambushes on the listener as they are on each other.


Official Website: http://www.songkick.com/concerts/8313511-battles-at-lincoln-hall?utm_source=1126&utm_medium=partner

Added by Upcoming Robot on March 17, 2011