1652 W Lincoln Avenue
Anaheim, California 92801

Punk /Indie/Rock show Tuesday January 2nd get ready to rock! Battle of the Bands All Ages show. Starring Orange Counties best new band MOSQUITO and tons of other great bands. Starting at 7:30 pm @Chain Reaction in Anaheim
Chain Reaction
1652 W. Lincoln Ave.
Anaheim, CA 92801
Phone 714.635.6067 Fax 714.635.1237

For directions Go To : http://www.allages.com/newweb/frames.cfm

Tickets are $10 pre-sale go to : www.myspace.com/mosquitotheband to get tickets or call Nigel:714-423 -1414 for Tickets

This band could really use your support and have been playing at all the clubs in LosAngeles and Orange County and have drawn a little interest from a few labels and work really hard and have heart .
They have their own creative sound and do all originals and their own way. They love pizza. Speaking of pizza or cheese , please read their cheesy bio below and visit their website.


Mosquito was hatched and let loose to infect the world about 8 months ago . Due to boredom in their habitat of Orange County and a few failed attempts at becoming mad scientists with evil plots to take over the world, they decided to form a rock band.

Mosquito is made up of 3 multi-talented teenagers .Nigel plays guitar and does a lot of screaming .Sashelle plays bass and breaks lots of strings. Kim plays drums and is a karate expert.
Nigel sings funny , dark , loud , fast, and romantic songs about religion, love, angst, politics, tonka toys, lifes troubles and personal experiences.
Onstage he is like a mad Fabio from Orange County that lost his car keys and needs to use the restroom.
While the rhythm section of Kim and Sashelle looks like porcelain dolls that came to life to make havoc and create mischief.

If you took the White Stripes, The Kills, Smashing Pumpkins, Mudhoney,Nirvana,The Germs,Howling Wolf, X, Screaming Jay Hawkins,
and Wire and mixed with ice in a blender, you wouldn’t have a great mixed drink
but instead the Mosquito sound on the rocks.

Mosquito is constantly writing new material and changing their sounds.
A few influences besides the ones mentioned are X ,Social Distortion , The Cramps, Circle Jerks, Crime, Don Ho, Hazil Adkins , The Fall , Soundgarden , Pavement, Xtc , ABC, Beat Happening,The Cure, Pixies , CAN , Virgin Prunes , Imperial Teen, Black Sabbath , Radiohead , Germs, Guided By Voices, Menudo , Chavez, Pearl Jam and too many to mention. They sound nothing like their influences .

Their first show was on KXLU FM in Los Angeles last March. Since then , they have played at Hogue Barmichaels , AAA Elecktra , and opened up for William Tell of Something Corporate at the Galaxy and other venues in Orange County .
They have played in Long Beach, The Whiskey and The Knitting Factory in LosAngeles.

When not making plans to take over the air-waves , Mosquito enjoys camping, shopping for vintage gear, buying records at Vinyl Solution in Huntington Beach and eating Mexican food at Fiesta Grill Mexican in Huntington Beach. They also love pizza !

They recorded a demo on a very limited budget of $50 and it will have to do for now until K-Tel or another good label offers them creative control and a beauty spa membership.

Soon you will find comic books, playing cards, sweat socks ,wristbands , shirts, headbands , and Frisbees with the Mosquito logo on it for sale.

PS looking for fire-eaters ,sword swollowers , midgets , jugglers , lego architects , magicians, rubics cubers , and freaks for stage shows.
By Ian Uranus

Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/mosquitotheband

Added by abandcalledmosquito on December 21, 2006



This is a great show !By up and comers .