"The Battle of Ideas 2008 will be a two-day festival of high-level, thought-provoking debate organised by the Institute of Ideas and hosted by the Royal College of Art."
Speakers include:
Colin Blakemore, professor of neuroscience at the universities of Oxford and Warwick; chair of Neuroscience Research Partnership, Singapore
George Brock, international editor, The Times; ex-president, World Editors Forum.
Christopher Frayling, rector, Royal College of Art; Professor of Cultural History, RCA; chairman, Arts Council England.
Frank Furedi, professor of sociology, University of Kent, Canterbury; author, Politics of Fear, Where Have All the Intellectuals Gone?, Invitation to Terror and Paranoid Parenting.
Susan Jacoby, author, The Age of American Unreason; programme director, Centre for Inquiry - NYC; fellow, Centre for Scholars and Writers, New York Public Library.
Ashis Nandy, senior honorary fellow, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), Delhi; recipient of Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize (2007); author, omnibus edition of writing, Exiled at Home, Return from Exile, and A Very Popular Exile.
Raymond Tallis, emeritus professor of geriatric medicine, University of Manchester; poet; author, The Hand: A Philosophical Inquiry into Human Being
Martin Wolf, chief economics commentator, Financial Times
Official Website: http://www.instituteofideas.com/tickets/
Added by nico_macdonald on October 30, 2008