Who Else Wants To Learn Amazing Magic Tricks To Amaze Their Friends And Family . . .
Now your child can learn amazing magic tricks that are easy enough for your mother-in-law to do, yet amazing enough to wow their friends!
Dear Parent,
My name is Jonathan Dupree and I have made my living performing magic for the last 15 years. I can still remember when my parents gave me my first magic set when I was 8 years old . . . I was hooked and the rest is as they say, history!
Now your child has the opportunity to learn some really amazing magic tricks that they can actually perform at my hands on, intstructional, 3 hour magic camp. I will teach several magic tricks to do with everyday objects as well as some sleight-of-hands tricks. Your child will even learn how to make a balloon animal!
" Jonathan, my child performed his first magic trick, the silk through the glass, for the whole family after your magic camp and we were really impressed. His confidence has shot through the roof! "
- Lisa, Baton Rouge, LA
Magic is a great hobby for children because it instills self-confidence, builds hand-eye cordination, and helps children develop people skills. It is one of the only hobbies that requires you interact with other people.
Your child will not only leave with fun magic they can perform, I provide all the necessary supplies they need to do the tricks. They will also receive a trick out of my brand new book, Amazing Magic Tricks You Can Do!
You can purchase tickets at the door or you can purchase online now to reserve your child's spot.
** One parent or guardian is required to stay with child for duration of Magic Camp.
Jonathan Dupree
info@JonathanDupreeMagic.com Organized by Jonathan DupreeJonathan Dupree is a professional magician and hosts his magic camp to teach yound people how to entertain and perform magic tricks.
Magic is a great hobby that builds hand-eye cordination, self-confidence, and people skills.
For more information you can call 800-249-9267 or 225-287-0680.
Ticket Info: Baton Rouge Magic Camp, $15.99
Official Website: http://magiccamp-upcoming.eventbrite.com