Hampshire Bat Group is back by popular demand to tell us all about these amazing creatures. We begin with an illustrated talk and then it's off into the woods at dusk to see and hear the bats in action. Children must be accompanied.
Type of Event: recreational, wildlife/nature and guided
Date: Wednesday 19 August 2009
Time: 7:45pm - 9:30pm
Age Group: Age 7 years to adult (children must be accompanied)
Cost of Event: £5 Adult £2.50 Child
Meeting Place: Forest Classroom
Clothing Required: Outdoor clothing and sensible footwear.
Booking Required: Booking Essential
Dogs Allowed: No
Contact: Recreation Officer 01420 520212
e-mail: kathleen.calver@forestry.gsi.gov.uk
Official Website: http://www.forestry.gov.uk/website/ourwoods.nsf/LUWebDocsByKey/EnglandSurreyAliceHoltForestAliceHoltForestCentreBatWatch?opendocument
Added by easthampshire.org on July 23, 2009