101 S.15th Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219

Join Baskervill and Farm to Family for a unique local produce retailer with fresh, local-grown food. Farm to Family is a bridge from farm to city, distributing locally grown food to families in urban areas and educating people about food security from a converted a 1987 international diesel school bus! Their community retail outlet is a mobile micro farmers market on wheels. Why go to the market when the market can come to you? Through their mobile concept, they provide urban communities with fresh grown local produce and other homemade products. They try and target areas that don't have access to fresh food and teach people what it is and how to cook it.

Cost: Varies, depending on what you want to purchase!

Official Website: http://baskervill.com/earthday

Added by Baskervill on March 23, 2011

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