2775 S. Broadway
Englewood, Colorado 80113

We have all heard about tips like keeping your toilet lid closed. Wouldn’t you like to know why? What does it mean if you have a broken lamp in your abundance area? Where is your abundance area? Michelle will share with you what Feng Shui is all about. She will help you figure out why you can work so hard toward something and can’t quite seem to achieve it. It’s all about how the energy flows in your space. She practices Black Hat Feng Shui. She will share the BaGua with you and discuss 5 elements in Feng Shui and how you can use them to benefit you. You will leave with specific suggestions on what to change in your own space. Feng Shui isn’t just ancient Chinese wisdom, it’s really common sense. Learn how to rearrange your stuff to improve the energy flow in your home, office and landscape. By shifting the energy in your space, you can better your life! Are you ready?! (bring floor plan or plot plan if you have it or pencil and paper to draw)

Official Website: http://www.isisbooks.com

Added by Isis Books and Gifts on September 6, 2010