Bandung, West Java


Setelah menyelesaikan kursus ini diharapkan peserta dapat:

* Memahami prinsip-prinsip dasar perhitungan optimisasi produksi sumur-sumur minyak, gas dan reservoir panas bumi, pengembangan pelaksannaan optimisasi produksi ini untuk meningkatkan kinerja produksi sumuran dan lapangan.
* Melakukan diagnosis sederhana dan memengerti penyelesaian optimisasi produksi dengan analisis nodal.
* Membuat analisis sederhana terhadap data sumuran minyak, gas dan panas bumi , melakukan peramalan kinerja dan merencanakan pengembanganya.
* Melakukan perhitungan-perhitungan kuantitatip sederhana dari seluruh data perolehan data tubing, flowline, choke, perforasi, gravel-pack, sub-surface savety valve pada sumuran, merencanakan pengembangannya dengan memperhitungan kemampuan masing-masing sumuran.
* Mempergunakan pengetahuan optimisasi untuk aplikasi dalam cara pengkatan buatan dengan gas-lift, submersible-pump, sucker rod pump dan hydraulic pump.


Latar belakang: Operator/ Senior Operator/ Engineer/ Non Engineer

* Production System Analysis
o Nodal System Analysis Model
o Nodal System Analysis Application
* Reservoir performance
o Equations and Inflow Performance Relationship
o Real-Time Performance of Oil Wells
o Performance Prediction of Oil Wells
o Real-Time Performance of Gas Wells
o Performance Prediction of Gas Wells
o Effect of Water Production
* Pressure Drop of Fluid Flow in Pipes
o General Equations and Concepts
o Fluid Properties: Density, Compressibility Factor etc.
o Well-Flow Correlations
o Pipeline Flow Correlations
o Chokes and Valves Pressure Drop
o Effect of Velocity
* Total System Analysis
o Tubing Design
o Flowline Size
o Effect of Stimulation
o Chokes and Valves
o Effect of Completion
* Artificial Lift Method
o Gas Lift
o Submersible Pump
o Succker Rod Pump
o Hydraulic Pump
* Nodal Analysis in Specific Field Application
o Pressure Drop Calculation in Steam Line
o Pressure Calculation in Injection Wells
o Pressure Calculation in Production Wells
o Total Analysis Approach

Official Website:

Added by training.focus on March 17, 2009

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