1790 Expo Parkway
Sacramento, California 95815

Join our REI Outdoor School instructor as we teach techniques enabling you to turn everyday snapshots into beautiful compositions. You will learn to see beyond your primary subject so that everything in the frame improves the image. We will analyze numerous photographs as we discuss composition techniques including eliminating distractions, utilizing human subjects, and using leading lines and the Rule of Thirds to create more dynamic images. Begin to shoot with an eye that draws the viewer's attention into a vibrant and stimulating photograph. These classes and the associated outings are open to digital and film photographers of all experience levels.
* Advance trip sign-up is required. Call or visit any Sierra area REI to sign up.
* Cost: Member: $20, Non-Member: $40

Official Website: http://www.rei.com/rei/outdoorschool/Sac/sacphotobasic.jsp

Added by REI Outdoor School, Sierra on July 20, 2009