Taught by Roger Jackson
March 28, April 4,11,18, 25, Tuesday evenings, 7:30-9:00 pm (meditation
from 7 to 7:20 pm)
At Northfield Buddhist Meditation Center
Buddhism is a complex religious and philosophical tradition, but there
are certain concepts so basic to it that without an appreciation for them, we are likely to misunderstand what Buddhism has been, is, and
can be. Each week, therefore, we will focus on exploring one basic Buddhist concept, both in its traditional articulations and its modern
interpretations. The five we will discuss are, in order: (1) mind, (2) karma, (3) emptiness, (4) compassion, and (5) nirvana. We cannot do
full justice to any of these, but we can begin to see what they have meant and can mean for Buddhist practice. Though there will be some
lecturing, the class will focus on discussion of issues raised by short selections from classical and modern Buddhist texts, which will be
supplied in advance.
Roger Jackson is professor of religion and liberal arts at Carleton
College, Northfield, MN.
All events sponsored by Northfield Buddhist Meditation Center are
offered on a dana basis, "dana" being the Pali word for generosity.
Buddhist teachings have been passed down over the centuries in the
spirit of generosity, and the Northfield Buddhist Meditation Center
tries to continue this practice. We depend on donations for operation
of the Center, and we hope participants in events will experience this
generosity and respond in kind with financial support our teachers as
well. At all events we have two donation baskets: one for the Center,
and one for the teacher.
Added by NBMC on March 13, 2006