Speed dating with Single in the City is a great way to meet new people! We bring together singles at a cool venue with an anything-goes vibe to make each Single in the City speed date a great time. This special Pre-Valentines event features two age groups on one night, giving you double the opportunity to mingle before, during and after the speed dating!
Join us as Oscars, one of Barrie's chicest venues. Oscars features an unparalleled culinary adventure complete with fusion menus and a touch of cosmopolitan luxury within the city of Barrie.
The Evening Includes: Up to 15 dates, delicious appetizers & a great evening out!
begins at 7:15pm, dating at 7:30pm sharp
This is the sign up for the 35-45 age group, there is a separate event listing for the 25-35 age group.
OUR GUARANTEE - If you come to a speed dating event and are not interested in anyone...meaning you do not select "Yes" for anyone on your match card you will receive a 2nd event for free! (This only applies to paid events)
Official Website: http://www.singleinthecity.ca/Barrie-Singles-Speed-Dating-Pre-Valentines-Double-Event.php
Added by singlecity on January 13, 2009