7th St. Roosevelt
Phoenix, Arizona 85006

We will be setting up an information table at First Friday in Downtown Phoenix on March 2nd.

We will be handing out rocks (small, smooth ones!) with "www.barackobama.com" on one side and either BaR(O)CK or a descriptive word on the other side. Go to

www.myspace.com/phx4obama08 to see pics!

We decided that flyers were just too easy to throw away and we wanted to do something creative that might catch people's attention. There is also the obvious word play such as Ba"Rock" the vote and "Rock" solid.

We figure the best way to start organizing is to spark people's interest in our candidate! We are not looking to get too preachy or "in your face," rather we are directing people to Obama's website so that they can see for themselves what he has to offer.

If anyone is planning on attending First Friday be sure to look for us! Or, if you have never been to First Friday, make this your first time (http://www.artlinkphoenix.com), it's always a blast!

We are still waiting on the exact location where we can set up but it will probably be near Carly's Bistro on Roosevelt between 2nd and 3rd.

If you would like to create your own rocks, great! We can always use extras again, and again, and again! If not, then just come and meet us! We would love to start sharing ideas for upcomig events and fundraising! Or if you are interested in helping out please be sure to send us an email!

Obama 08!

KJ and Simi

This event was submitted by MyBO. Be sure to RSVP for this event @ MyBO!

Official Website: https://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/wrrr

Added by MyBO on August 20, 2012