Danny Barnes http://www.dannybarnes.com/
Somewhere within a vast musician's landscape where the same rock-jam-roots-bluegrass-jazz bands beat a dead horse daily in the studio and nightly on the stage stands a true original. That original is Danny Barnes. The Barnes body of work is a must own for any fan of the DIY approach. Barnyard Electronics finds the musician harvesting sounds from his instruments and mad scientist gadgetry that create a quirky, catchy, interesting and beautiful sound-scape. The envelope has been pushed and the curve ball has been thrown. This will rank as one of the least predictable releases of 2007."
- Bryant Liggett, Program Director for KDUR Radio in Durango, CO
Date: Wed, June 13, 2007
Time: 8pm
Show: Danny Barnes, Caroline Doctorow opens
Regular Price: $12.00
Member Price: $10.00
Availability: General Seating Open
Dinner Seating Open
Official Website: http://www.clubpassim.org/passimcalendar/viewEvent2.php?evt=1173393685